
General Information

Full Name Victor Wang (汪胜)
Languages Mandarin, English


  • 2017 - 2022
    D.Phil in Applied Mathematics
    Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
    • EPSRC CDT scholar, Oxford-Radcliffe scholar
  • 2014 - 2015
    M.Sc in Mathematics and Finance
    Imperial College London, United Kingdom
  • 2010 - 2014
    B.Sc in Mathematics and Economics
    Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Professional Experience

  • 2023 - NOW
    Quantitative researcher
    Global Quantitative Strategies, Millennium, Shanghai
    • Developed alpha quant strategies in global equity markets.
  • 2019 - 2023
    Head of Quant
    Technology Dept., Stable Group, London/Singapore
    • Founded and managed the Quantitative Research team of 5-7; led various R&D projects for developing better pricing and risk management solutions for commodity insurance policies (which resemble options with non-tradable underlyings).
  • 2015 - 2022
    Quantitative Researcher/Consultant
    Clearing House, CME Group, London
    • Researched, developed, implemented, back-tested and documented the margin and stress testing models (tail-risk models) for FX futures and options - filtered VaR, stress VaR, liquidity model, etc..
    • Since 2018, CME joined sponsoring the academic research of my DPhil at Oxford while I worked as a consultant.